Since its launch in late 2014, over 50,000 participants have fully completed ABC Study enrolment.
The study closed for new registrations on 30 June 2018. We collected questionnaire data and saliva samples until early this year.
Altogether 56,348 participants completed the online questionnaire and 51,575 of those provided a DNA sample (from saliva or blood).
10,021 participants also provided a blood sample, which will allow us to investigate a wide variety of biomarkers that cannot be measured in saliva. Together, the data we obtain from questionnaires, saliva and blood form a high-quality research resource that will allow us to better understand the interplay between genetic, behavioural, environmental and molecular factors associated with health and the development of cancer and other chronic diseases.
The ABC Accelerometer Study continues to progress since its commencement in 2016. The team has now collected information about the physical behaviour (sitting, lying down, standing, moving) of close to 3,055 study participants. Read more about this Study here.

In April 2019, we began the first round of follow-up of ABC Study participants. We have invited all those who completed the study in 2014 and 2015 to take part. We will invite those who completed in 2016 in the near future. Follow-up will proceed on a rolling basis, based on each participant’s year of completion of the study.
Each participant will be asked to complete two online questionnaires. Some of the questions will update existing information, while other questions cover new topics.
- The “Health and Activities” questionnaire includes questions about general health, body size, smoking, diabetes, sun exposure and daily activities.
- The “Beverage Consumption” questionnaire includes questions about the consumption of several types of beverage, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (water, milk, soft drink, coffee, tea and others).
We thank those who have completed the follow-up questionnaire. If you have been invited and not had a chance to do so, please complete the questionnaire at your earliest convenience, by logging in to the ABC Study website.
It is really important that you let us know if your contact details change, so we can stay in touch. Please use this form to submit any changes. Alternatively, contact us by phone on 1800 688 419 or email us. Please be sure to include your date of birth and full name with the new information, so we know we are updating the contact details for the correct person.
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