A regular donor to the Cancer Council, Peter had a number of motivations for taking part in the ABC Study.
“We all hope never to be personally impacted by cancer. But in some way or other we all will be. Like most people, I have a number of friends and family who have been affected by different types of cancer. My mother survived breast cancer and a close friend recently died from multiple myeloma.”
“Giving a saliva sample at home was simple, remembering all the family member details for the online survey took a bit longer but reminded me that I should really catch up with them and say ‘hi!’”
“And it is a very easy way to help, leaving time for me to get on with dog walking, gardening, cycling, bush walking, skiing, travelling and catching up with friends for lunch or a coffee!”
“My involvement in the study is motivated by a desire to personally avoid cancer, but also to help others avoid it.”
If you are willing to share your story, please contact us.