Faecal (poo) sample consent

I consent to provide a faecal (poo) sample and complete associated questionnaires (CCV HREC 1403i)

I freely agree to provide a faecal (poo) sample and complete the associated questionnaire for the ABC Study according to the conditions in the Participant Information Sheet.

I have read, or have had read to me, and understand the Participant Information and Cancer Council Victoria’s Privacy Policy.

I have had an opportunity to ask questions and I am satisfied with the answers I have received.

The Participant Information and this Consent Agreement are available for me to download.

I understand that the study team will not reveal my identity or personal details in any information about the ABC Study that is published or presented in any medium. 

I understand that I can withdraw my consent to take part in the ABC Study at any time. 

I give my consent for my de-identified information and samples to be provided to researchers for use in other ethically approved research projects outside of the ABC Study.

I understand I may not receive any direct benefit from providing a poo sample.

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1800 688 419



Cancer Epidemiology Division
Cancer Council Victoria
Level 8, 200 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002, Australia